Saturday 19 October 2013

Early life of Baba thakur singh ji khalsa karajkari mukhi Damdami taksaal

The Sikh nation’s respected religious personality, Baba Thakur Singh Jee was born
in 1915, village Eechogill, Dist Lahore (Pakistan) to the respected Baba Bahadur
Singh and Mata Prem Kaur Jee.
Both his parents were Amritdharee, who recited many prayers daily and had
unshakeable faith in Guru Sahib. After the partition they came to India, where in
village Sadaruala, near Makhu, Dist Ferozepur, they started to live. From birth Baba
jee was forever meditating, merciful, peaceful hearted, imbued with spiritual energy
and had unshakeable faith in Guru Jee. From a young age, they would not waste
their time playing or talking. When a little older, Baba Jee began helping his mother
and father in running the household. Whilst conducting his chores he would forever
attune his concentration to the one intoxicating Naam Simran.
From childhood, Baba Jee would share his earnings, food and belongings with
others as he saw Gods light in all and always inspired others to become engrossed
in Seva and Simran. Baba Jee’s mind forever longed to be in the precence and seva
of a true Gursikh/Brahmgiani. They learnt through others that Brahmgiani Sant
Gurbachan Singh Jee Khalsa along with his Jatha were doing Sikhi Parchar and that
they are respected for having profound knowledge and have the grace of Satguru Sri
Guru Gobind Singh Jee.
Baba Jee left home and went to Bhindra in Dist Moga where Khalsa Jee resided
(Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee will be referred to as Khalsa Jee henceforth); whilst
there Baba Jee took Amrit from Panj Pyare. Khalsa Jee recognised Baba Jee’s
spiritual state and thus put him in charge of Langar, this seva was performed with
much love and commitment and after 2½ years of Seva, Khalsa Jee accepted Baba
Jee into the Jatha and taught him the knowledge of God. Until Khalsa Jee went to
Sachkand (abode of truth, after leaving their mortal frame), Baba Jee did Seva of
Garveye (close associate) for 22 years; Khalsa Jee being happy with this Seva
blessed Baba Jee with many gifts. They blessed him with a great spiritual state and
said, ’’A time will come, when you will perform the greatest Seva of all.”
After Khalsa Jee went to sachkand, Baba Jee carried on his Seva of Langer of the
Sangat/congregation with Sant Giani Kartar Singh Jee Khalsa and forever remained
imbued in Naam Simran. Sant Giani Kartar Singh Jee had much respect for Baba
Jee & would discuss decisions to be made, with Baba Jee. This time was a critical
period for Sikhs as there were many efforts being made to silence the Sikh
community, as a political and faith group. Sant Kartar Singh Jee Khalsa held 37
major processions which woke the sleeping Sikh masses to realise their identity, as
Saint Soldiers.


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