Monday 7 October 2013


The Sikh nations respected religious personality,Baba
Thakur Singh Jee was born in 1915,village Eechogill, Dist
Lahore (Pakistan) to the respected Baba Bahadur Singh
and Mata Prem Kaur Jee. Both his parents were
Amritdhari, who recited many prayers daily and had
unshakeable faith in the guru .After the partition of india
they came to India, where in village Sadaruala, near
Makhu ,Dist Ferozepur, they started to live. From birth
Baba jee was forever meditating, merciful, peaceful hearted,
imbued with spiritual energy and had unshakeable faith in
the Guru. From a young age they would not waste their
time playing or talking. When a little older, they started
helping his mother and father in running the household,
doing which he would forever attune his concentration to
the one intoxicating Naam Simran. From childhood, Baba
Jee used to share his earnings/food/belongings with others
as he saw Gods light in all ,and was always inspired to
help others being engrossed in the seva and simran. Baba
Jee’s mind forever longed to be in the precence and seva
of a true Gursikh/Brahmgiani.
They learnt through others that Brahmgiani Sant
Gurbachan Singh Jee Khalsa along with his Jatha were
doing Sikhi Parcher- who are respected as great
intellectuals and who have much blessings of Satguru Sri
Guru Gobind Singh Jee. Baba Jee left home and went to
Bhindra in Dist Moga where Khalsa Jee resided, their Baba
Jee took Amrit from Panj Pyare. Khalsa Jee recognised
Baba Jee’s spiritual state and thus put him in charge of
Langar, this seva was performed with much love and
commitment, after 2 & half years seva Khalsa Jee accepted
Baba Jee into the Jatha and taught him the knowledge of
Until Khalsa Jee went to sachkand, Baba Jee did seva of
Garveye (close associate) for 22 years, Khalsa Jee being
happy with this seva blessed Baba Jee with many gifts.
They blessed him with a great spiritual state .They said ,’’A
time will come , when you will perform the greatest seva of
all . After Khalsa Jee went to sachkand, Baba Jee carried
on seva of Langer and sangats, with Sant Giani Kartar
Singh Jee Khalsa , and forever remained imbued in Naam
Simran . Sant Giani Kartar Singh Jee had much respect for
Baba Jee & would discuss decisions to be made with Baba
Jee. This time was a critical period for Sikh’s as there
were many efforts being made to silence the Sikh
community, as a political and faith group. Sant Kartar
Singh Jee Khalsa held 37 major processions which woke
the sleeping Sikh masses to their identity. The government
were trying to silence Sant Kartar Singh Jee Khalsa and
were making plan’s to arrest him, Santh Jee said the
follwing in response to this, ‘’If the government arrest me,
then after me Baba Takhur Singh Jee will be responsible
for Damdami Taksal. They can give the seva of leadership
to whom they please.”
After Sant Kartar Singh Jee Khalsa Bhindra Vale ascended
to Sachkand, Baba Jee appointed Sant Giani Jarnail Singh
Jee Khalsa the leader of Damdami Taksal, Sant Jee would
always heed Baba Jee’s advice.
In July 1982 Sant Jarnail Singh Jee Khalsa began the
Dharam Yudh Morcha to free the Sikh’s from oppression of
the government and made Amritsar their permanent
residence, and Baba Jee was given the seva to look after
Gurdawara Gurdashan Parkash Mehta. In June 1984 the
government attacked Sri Harmander Sahib and Sri Akhal
Takhat Sahib martyred countless Singh’s and Singhnia.
After the attack Sant Jee went underground, in the absence
of Sant Jee the Damdami Taksal seva was given to Baba
Jee by the Sangat, which they are performing to their best
currently, he has guided the Damdami Taksal through
testing and difficult times, and his wisdom has shined
Baba Jee has kept the Damdami Taksal Parcher
countinuous, he attends many functions throughout the
world. Thousands have been inspired through parcher
organised by Baba Jee and have taken Amrit. He has
fought cases for arrested Singh’s and has assisted those
still in jail, in whatever manner possible, Shaheed’s families
have been provided for and are still being supported.
He restarted the great tradition of Sarbat Khalsa and they
performed the reconstruction of Sri Akhal Takhat Sahib
with much physical fervour, many other Gurdwaras have
been built and are being built/renovated.
Gurdwara Shaheed Ganj B-block was built in Sri Amritsar in
memory of the Shaheeds of the encounter with Nakali
Nirankaris of 1978. At Sri Anandpur Sahib on Kiratpur
Sahib Road a Gurdwara was built to benefit visiting
sangats. In memory of Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Jee
Khalsa a Khalsa academy & a hospital have been built at
Mehta. Baba Jee is respected throughout the panth as a
very spiritual/gifted leader and he is a shining example of a
Khalsa. When they utter Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru
Jee Kee Fateh peace is brought to the minds of thousands.
On 24th December 2004, Baba Ji left this world for
(This brief sketch of Brahmgiani Baba Thakur Singh ji's life
was written on 5th Barsi of Babaji, in Dec 2009 and
distributed as a booklet in UK Sangat. No one can truly
comprehend the Awastha or Power of a Brahmgiani, and
we worldly kaljugi jeevs are not worth of writing or saying
anything about Babaji's great Jeevan. We have decided to
post this upon website so that Sangat around the world
can have a short glimpse in Great life of Baba Thakur
Singh ji Khalsa,True Son of Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj,
and lets all strive to walk on path of Sikhi ad Love of
Daily Recitals & Living
In terms of Baba Jee’s spiritual prowess and daily living,
Baba Jee never separated
himself from the recitation of Gurbani. The recitation of
Gurbani was kept continuous
in the presence of Baba Jee and they used to talk with
others very little, Sevadars
would recite Gurbani all day and night in accordance to
Baba Jee’s wishes. Even at
night when Baba Jee used to sleep, which was never more
than a couple of hours,
the recitation of Gurbani continued. During Baba Jee’s life
their daily Nitnem
changed, but as a basic guide – they used to recite the
whole of the Panj Granthi
and then spend the rest of the day doing JapJee Sahib,
Sukhmani Sahib or Chaupai
Sahib Recitals. If they were not listening or reciting
Gurbani, they would be either
listening to Kirtan from Sri Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple)
on TV or listening to
Katha, these were the 3 basic ingredients of their daily
lifestyle. Anyone who visited
or met Baba Jee would bear witness to this. Baba Jee was
a reflection of the
following verses,

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